RTD with Thermowhells / Protection Tubes

RTD with Thermowhells / Protection Tubes

Our Services:
Furnace Consultation, Indonesia | Furnace Installation, Indonesia | Furnace Spart Parts, Indonesia
Coverage Area:
Jakarta, Tangerang, Bogor, Bekasi, Bandung, Surabaya, Cikarang, Depok, Semarang, Yogyakarta, Medan, Makassar, Palembang, Samarinda, Palangkaraya, Pontianak, Denpasar, Padang, Manado, Palu, Bandar Lampung, Tarakan, Kendari, Malang, Balikpapan, Indonesia

Product Description

Product Overview
RTD’s are temperature measuring sensors which use the resistance /temperature relationship of material to measure the temperature of a body. RTDs have higher accuracy and stability as compared to Thermocouples usually in the below 600 °C range. Resistance temperature sensors are composed of realizing material generally Copper, Nickel, or platinum, which shows resistance at a specific temperature. If we want to measure temperature with high accuracy, an RTD is an ideal solution, as it has good linear characteristics over a wide range of temperatures.
Working Principle of RTD
  • The working of the RTD sensor is based on the resistance-temperature relationship of the material used for its construction.
  • The amount of change seen in the resistance value of the material caused due to per degree rise in temperature is measured and the sensor is calibrated accordingly.
Advantages of RTDs
  • High accuracy: RTDs are known for their remarkable accuracy and stability, especially in the range of -200˚C to 600˚C.
  • Linearity: the resistance-temperature relationship of RTDs is highly linear, which simplifies calibration and allows for easy temperature calculation.
  • Long-term stability: unlike other temperature sensors, RTDs maintain their accuracy and repeatability over a long period of time.
Technical Parameters
Temperature  Class A (±) Class B (±)
-200°C 0.55°C 1.3℃
-100°C 0.35°C 0.8℃
0°C 0.15°C 0.3℃
100°C 0.35°C 0.8℃
200°C 0.55°C 1.3℃
300°C 0.75°C 1.8℃
400°C 0.95°C 2.3℃
500°C 1.15°C 2.8℃
600°C 1.35°C 3.3℃
700°C - 3.8℃
800°C - 4.3℃
850°C - 4.6℃